Success Stories

I started the 30-day Exercise Challenge after 4 months in mostly lockdown- no gym, no pool, too cold for yoga in the park. My body was crying out for movement but I had no self-discipline to work out more than a few days in a row in front of the computer. 

Then I learned about Bursts from Ti and tools to make it easy to do them from Wendy, and now I have done at least one Burst a day for 30 days! I added a Burst to my morning habit stack, so that I start my day with a boost of energy and the knowledge that I am the kind of woman who can be consistent with exercise! 

In addition, I find myself parking farther from the door,  to add more walking to my day. And when I “Burst first” and do a Burst before my memory building exercises, I can remember more clearly and perform much better than without. 

Woo hoo for Bursting the Ti and Wendy way!

Deborah G.

Before: I basically almost never exercised. And during the pandemic my daily walking which used to hover around 4-5K dropped to basically 1K. So I had gained a whole lot of weight through being the most sedentary I have ever been in my life.

After: Now with 22 days of doing Bursts, I am much more active. I feel an urge to move, to go on walks with my dog. To play with my kids. To match my buddy in doing 4-5 Bursts instead of just the one or two. Why even when I had a cold for 3-4 days, I did at least 1 or 2 Bursts of bicycle kicks in bed with the kind and gentle encouragement of my buddy. 

Update: The Exercise Revolution jump started my weight loss too. 

Over the past year, I’ve now lost 65 lbs – doing 8-20 Bursts a day and I’m still checking in with my accountability buddy from Exercise Revolution – Jolene G.

Urmila P.

Thanks for helping me CHANGE my take on food & fitness. I was definitely not up for any challenge, kind of floating through life, not having the stamina anymore to even try something new & healthy, food or exercise-wise. Yep, I was depressed or perhaps, just listless, unplugged. Nothing seemed to upgrade my zest for life.

NOW, I see life differently. It’s a challenge that I can face, with a single “Burst” of positive energy handled right from the get go as I move into my day. I don’t want crazy amounts of food, nor do I crave the sweets or carbs from the holidays. I am wanting water, veggies and healthier foods in lesser amounts…I guess I am listening to my body, finally. 

Physically, I am stronger & feel much fitter…better. When I go off track, I feel better when I get back on track again. One Burst does that trick. 

And I am 5 lbs. lighter & more toned & more energized throughout the day. Yay! 

Thank you so much!

Carolyn W.

Even though I am very health oriented, I experienced immediate big benefits when I started to use your morning routine and the Bursts. I was feeling calmer, had more energy, I did a lot less procrastinating, I was more productive and I even slept better. I also have more enthusiasm!! I’m especially glad that I did the coaching add on.

Bernice S.

First You Two Are AMAZING people. That’s my simple testimonial. I have tears coming now because I feel so grateful that I have been part of this group. I find both of you transparent, honest beyond belief, sensitive, and supportive and very well researched in your processes.

I really love everything you two stand for, and the group coaching calls and my buddy.

Julie T.

My win is that my legs have gotten strong very fast and it’s very hard for me to burn out in a minute. It’s getting hard to find Bursts that wear me out in 60 sec! 

Jennifer W.

Since starting the 4-minute challenge, I’ve noticed that I’ve started channeling more of my impulsiveness toward spontaneous bouts of dancing, leg-lifts, arm swings, shoulder rotations, or whatever feels good!

Though I chronically struggle with insomnia and its related exhaustion and brain fog, ‘easy does it’ has become my motto! 

Thanks to you – Wendy and Ti – , I’m easing out of overwhelm and fully embracing my ‘slow and steady like a turtle’ journey, while leaning in with increasing commitment to my personal health & happiness!

All together, this revolutionary process has already led to a BIG WIN. 

To end on yet another positive – I’m finishing this letter with a promise to set my timer and do a one minute Burst right after hitting ‘send’!

Woohoo! I can do this!

Margarita H.

Before I started the Exercise Revolution challenge, I was feeling really physically unfit, overwhelmed by life and disconnected from the way I wanted my life to be, even though I was walking several times a week to try to get fit again. I kept thinking I would somehow make it through this time and get back to a fitness routine and healthier eating habits, but each day I woke up and couldn’t face my yoga mat to do the simple morning routine that I did before.

When I got the challenge email and watched the video with Wendy and Ti, I wondered if this might be the key to kickstart change in my routines. I know from working with Wendy before that tiny steps are the way forward, but I had forgotten just how tiny they can be to work. I thought, hey, one minute of cardio or until muscle fatigue a day? Even maybe four times a day? Hmmmm…I can do that! 

I did a bit of my own research about Burst Exercise Theory and discovered that it can have pretty impressive benefits, too. I wondered if I could just do it on my own…But I also knew that I needed accountability, and nothing I had tried in the past year or so had worked for me. So I joined the challenge and the first thing I did was reach out and get a buddy.

Knowing that my buddy and the Facebook group were waiting to hear my daily progress made all the difference. Wendy’s emails helped me rebuild my good habit stacks and Ti’s encouragement on Facebook made me smile and keep going. And my buddy and I have communicated every day since Jan. 1 — I am so proud of us!

What that now makes possible that wasn’t possible before is that by continuing to build on these little habits that I have managed to keep up for almost a month now, I feel hopeful and stronger that I can keep making the positive changes that I want to make in my life so I feel better and can share more joy with the people I love. It really has become automatic to wake up, go to the bathroom, drink a big glass of water, do a 1-minute Burst and set my alarm for the next one. That said, gotta go — it’s time for me to contact my buddy and let her know I just wrote this, then do my second Burst for the day!

Bonnie F.

Thank you both so much for the Exercise Revolution Challenge you offered in the last month.

It was so much more than just exercise. One might say it was Bursting with substance.

The extra coaching was inspiring and motivational.

7 pounds from my goal weight. Health, feeling good are all part of my WHY, but I also want to feel sexy and good about my aging body, for myself. I decided I want to be sexy for me.

Rene'e P.

Before the Exercise Revolution Challenge I had kept off the weight I lost in Ti’s program exercised a few times a week and ate generally healthy.

After the Challenge I’m Bursting all day long if I’m home and I’m able to do 10 pushups vs zero a month ago in my workout class! I’m sleeping better too! 

It is now possible for me to see myself Bursting forever as part of my new “habit stack.”

Carolyn D.

There is never a better time to start getting healthy than right now. I’ve been spending the last few months prior to this group holiday/stress eating everything, and working out zero minutes a day, watching the numbers on my scale creep up and feeling my clothes get tighter.

My mood has been getting worse, which makes it harder to do anything productive or positive.

I’ve been forgetful, feel like I’m always falling way too far behind to catch up, and like nothing will work for me.

In spite of all that stuff, I Bursted my way, the best way I could, through a hella crazy month.

It wasn’t perfect, but it was something. I started drinking water every morning! Easy!

I did at least 1 Burst at least 4 times a week, and even got back on my elliptical a couple times!! I ate more fruits and veggies too. 

The  Facebook  group always helped lift my spirits and refocus. This was a beautifully easy way to stay connected, via email, text, Facebook – I, love the gentle but frequent reminders that helped me during a major crazy month. 

And what this makes possible now, that wasn’t possible before, is having a safe space, connected with positivity, to keep working on the parts of me that think – “It can’t ever work for me.” 

Love the good energy on the extra coaching calls, emails and group page. You all gave me a much needed mental *Burst.* ❤️ Thankful to find an amazing, accepting community.

Isha C.

Wendy always has such cutting edge information, I decided to join. I don’t have a problem working out. It’s always been a part of my life, but it’s more a meditative mind clearing process, but I wasn’t really getting my heart rate up. 

I’ve been very pleased with the Bursts. It’s been great for mental clarity, mood, and it’s absolutely helped with my sleep. As we come to the end of the 30 days I have built quite a bit of endurance. It’s also great when plans change and you can work it in anywhere you are.

Ashleigh S.

This has been such an amazing experience!!!!!!! Way past my expectations. Thank you Ti and all of you so very much!!!!!!! I wanted to let you know how powerful the last exercise was today. Getting women over 50 to dream and imagine is quite a task. Especially the sharing and the exercise that you did with imagining ourselves a year from now, and it felt so real!!!!!! That is  powerful!!! And then we got to share it with real people that anchored it for me and felt so real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DEFINITELY KEEP YOUR PROGRAM TI EXACTLY AS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 <3 

<3 <3 <3

 You are a wonderful facilitator, very knowledgeable and encouraging  and just a wonderful leader!!!!! AND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

I know for a fact that I am not alone in feeling this way. To see my friends in the Facebook group light up as they told their story was just over the moon amazing and wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

DTaRelle T.

Before doing this, I told myself “I don’t like exercising, and I don’t “do habits.” Plus I never really figured out a solid morning routine. 

Now, I have successfully done both my morning routine with Bursts every single day of this program! 

Habit stacking was a key element. My habit stack is now non-negotiable and very satisfying. 

I feel more fit and am grateful to have been part of this.

Loved the calls Wendy and Ti did with us.

Lynn F.

My wins are:

  • Knowing that I can do a Burst throughout the day. 
  • Finally using my 8-lb dumbbells after years of walking right past them. I keep them in the laundry room, and now I’ve told myself that my rule is: “If I go in that room, I use those weights in some way.” It’s working! When I do the laundry, I use those weights every time I switch out a load.
Nancy W.

I wasn’t doing any exercise.  I stopped exercising, and so when I heard about the Burst and doing the Exercise Revolution Challenge, my Mom and I decided to do it. 

Then we recruited two other friends. Being in Community has been a really profound part of the experience! 

I brought back the habit stacks and the things that I learned from Wendy from before that I had stopped doing. 

I really benefited from being a part of this, with more energy and feeling stronger and just knowing I can do a minute Burst or I can do four seconds. I can do whatever it is, and it counts and making that happen!

Kahanu K.

Thank you all so much!

Before I started this program, I’ve always loved to exercise. walk and hike, but I put a lot of timeframes and limitations on it. I told myself I had  to do it in the morning, I had to walk for 30 minutes or go for eight miles, and if I couldn’t do that then I felt bad about myself.

SinceI’ve joined, I absolutely love the Community. The Facebook group is so encouraging and I love how people cheer each other on.  

Other people in the group inspire me,  and the days I wasn’t feeling it, my accountability partner inspired me. 

I’m running the stairs now, and it feels so good! 

You can do this every day, you can do as many Bursts as you want to or don’t want to and the pressure is gone.

I love you – Wendy and Ti. You guys have been so motivating. Thank you for letting me be a part of this. It’s been awesome!

Lyndee H.

My first big win is having an accountability buddy. She’s been great, and it has helped me stay motivated and be inspired.

I see myself trying harder things! In exercise class,  I now try full push ups whereas before I would only do the knee push ups. 

My update is that I have not missed a day the past year since I started the Exercise Revolution Challenge!

Marlisse B.

Before the Exercise Revolution program, I had some specific exercises from my chiropractor to do, but I wasn’t doing them enough.

And then I started doing the exercise for my chiropractor as my Burst, and I found myself doing them not just at night, but 3 times a day.

I find myself running up the stairs too and going out of my way to use the stairs more!


The Exercise Revolution challenge definitely brought a lot of fun into my exercising! 

I was coming out of a rough period, and I kept feeling that I wasn’t doing enough or exercising enough. 

The Burst really completely Burst that off (no pun intended) because I just said “Okay, I’m gonna do one or two” but I end up usually doing 3, 4 or 5 during the day! 

I saw a big change, not only in my level of energy, but with food as well. All of a sudden, it’s much easier to adopt healthier eating. 

And overall my mood has been much higher and much more positive. That’s a really big change!

What this makes possible is Bursting my confidence and starting to climb out of the unclear fog I was in before. 

That is amazing.

Chiarastella F.

Before I started the program my attitude toward exercise and wellness was good. I knew the importance of exercise and most importantly the difference I feel in myself when I get exercise in. 

But, I always thought exercise had to be 30 minutes or more to make a difference. On the days I didnʻt get exercise in, I’d get really down on myself. 

What I’ve discovered in doing this challenge is every little Burst counts! Starting the day with a minute Burst built into a morning stack started my day off on the right foot! 

I brushed my teeth, peed, drank water and did my Burst! Then turn on my laptop, make the bed, and Burst again! Two Bursts in the morning, a Burst before lunch and snack time got my body energized and my mood elevated! I loved it. 

After the program, I realize having people to celebrate little victories with is so helpful, building Bursts into your normal routines is possible and movement sparks more movement. 

The Bursts led to me wanting to engage in more exercise and movement, to get up and go out for that walk. I’m grateful for the reminders that we are doing the best we can, that little things make all the difference and that we have community to build us. 

I appreciate the help in getting us through those extra tough blocks and helping us reclaim all of who we are! So mahalo mahalo mahalo and I look forward to continuing!

Ashley M.

I just finished the Exercise Revolution challenge with Ti and Wendy.

Before starting,  I had so much resistance to exercise, I felt like I had to do this whole big thing.

And, of course, because I had to do the whole big thing I didn’t and didn’t end up doing anything. I don’t have a weight problem but I do have a muscle tone problem. I am over 50 so I really need to be working out.

But I just couldn’t find that 20, 30, 40 minutes. I didn’t want to go to a class so when I found this Burst thing and I’ve already worked with Wendy and her Procrastination Club, I know she always brings quality stuff.

I checked out Ti and she looked amazing so I did this thing. I had an accountability partner, she texts me every morning, she’s amazing.

And then the Facebook group was incredible. so many great ideas.

My resistance to exercise has disappeared, because I now understand it doesn’t have to be 20, 30, 40 minutes, and I just feel so excited. I’m going to continue on with this for sure.

Krista B.

I love to exercise! I actually teach 4 fitness classes a week. I have been a member of Wendy’s Procrastination Cure community for several years and my life has been changed by practicing the steps of the cure daily and using the many other tools she shares with us.  

I added one Burst to my morning habit stack. “That was easy!”  

Sometimes I snuck a couple into my toning classes and sometimes I did a few more throughout the day. 

I’ve been on my health and wellness journey for 19 years starting at 214 pounds on my little five foot frame. I lost 60 pounds the first year and have kept it off for the most part but I have never reached my goal weight of 137 pounds. I was 8 pounds away from my goal when covid happened then that became 18 pounds. 😩 

At the end of 2020 I started to get back on track and was 8 pounds from goal. When I heard about this challenge I knew it would help me. I loved Ti’s tips on nutrition. I’m a snacker so what helped me the most was “clearing the visual view” and choosing to not snack and eat 3 meals a day and to be “dinner and done”. 

During  the challenge I have been consistent! I am 5 pounds from my goal! 

And what does all of this make possible that wasn’t possible before? I know I’m the kind of woman who can be consistent and stay on track even when the world around me is crazy, and I have some personal family challenges to deal with. I can slow down, breath, and not go to comfort eating, I can do a Burst that gives me instant energy and changes my state of being. Woohoo 🙌🏼🎉🤗♥️

Thank you Wendy and Ti! The dynamic duo changing lives!

Anna V.

I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation for both Wendy and Ti’s work over the last month.  

Overall, I am a very healthy person and not on any meds but when I am “off track”, I’m “off track”!   Before this series, I would get a craving and satisfy it day after day after day.  Exercise was relatively non-existent except for a stroll in the morning with the dog.  I had every excuse NOT to do more exercise….. no time, takes too long, I’m tired and the list goes on.

Since being in the program, I have learned how to build my morning habit stack.  Water, oil pulling, feed dog, Burst and then brush teeth and more fluids and dog walk.  At least I know I can get one Burst in for the day.  I have averaged 2-5 per day though.  I have cleaned up my nutrition and, imagine that, the cravings are gone too!!  Bursting makes me want to move more since it takes no time!

And what that now makes possible that wasn’t before is more time for whatever I want to do (reorganize, 2nd dog walk, watch TV) instead of dread that I should work out instead.  Why? Because I can incorporate a Burst or two into these activities too!!

Annie M.

I loved the Zoom coaching with Ti and Wendy… something opened up inside me and I am more inspired to take better care of myself!

I created a couple of Burst exercises of my own from things I learned from physical therapy a couple of years ago. They’re giving me more mobility to my back and making other Burst exercises easier.

Ricky C.

It has been a pleasure seeing you both work together and bring some of the most important exercise and diet information to all of us.  You took the time, expectation, and torture away and created a doable plan at whatever level one is at!

Before Bursts, I would only do what had to be done in terms of physical labor like cleaning up or walking. The Bursts are gentle and powerful.  I went to Sedona and my Bursts became part of the hiking.  I was astounded by how much I could do and how I could keep up with the other participants.   

I am still Bursting and slowly getting stronger.

I now have a powerful and quick tool I can use any time and place. Thank you Wendy and Ti.  Brilliant – absolutely brilliant.

Lisa B.

Before:  My fitness center was closed and the holidays were in full swing. I felt like I was on that hamster wheel without my routine or any management of what went into my mouth.  I was anxious without exercise and felt a void all around

During:  I became more aware of my food management.  I felt focused and proud to be doing my Bursts and regular choices in the video vault.  I selected several from the list and varied my exercise routine.

After:  I am continuing to feel empowered by this month’s journey and know that I can keep this exercise routine within my daily schedule and feel GOOD about my Burst moments. That makes me feel so much better about myself and my fitness /food goals.

Thank you and forever grateful!

Janet K.

The class gave me something to get involved in and it was just wonderful for me. It let me see that it is possible to lose the eight pounds that I have always been fighting.

It just lightened things up for me! It was bright, intelligent, involved, candid and supportive. And it was a lot of laughter!

So, I see all the possibilities again. This was fantastic. It’s just a lift and I thank you all for it.

Glen C.

Exercise and working out is not something I do. I usually hate it. I procrastinate with it and it’s a time commitment. I used to think it had to be a routine. I’m not good at routine.

The Exercise Revolution and the power of the Burst completely broke those barriers for me. I was able to take the small little commitments that started out with one Burst in a day. (Full disclosure – I had surgery last month. So I really took it slow.) It was life changing for me. I was able to keep it up every day and I got stronger and stronger. It made such a difference that I even noticed a change when I was hiking!

Holly D.

Before this challenge, exercise was lacking. I did classes through my 20s but exercise mostly stopped with my first child at 30. I tried a couple of times which lasted for about 3-4months each time before stopping completely.

I went for this challenge as I knew that paying the money would force me to do it. And I wanted/needed the help from Wendy and Ti!

I’ve done 2-5 Burst every day and I have moved from 30sec planks to 40sec planks and can definitely do more knee push ups. And the main benefit I’ve found is that I’ve made a new friend in my accountability buddy Jen S . Thank you for all the encouragement Jen!

Thank you to all for just doing what you’re doing to keep the momentum going for all of us. Well done all of us!

Christina H.


-I constantly remarked in my head how “addicted” I felt to food. No self control, so much indulgence.

-My weight was as high as it had been since immediately post birth.



-I lost 3 pounds.

-I noticed some amazing moments at work with clients because I was able to be much more present.

-I was able to be much more self-controlled with my kids when I was tired/frustrated/done. This is my big WHY (to be a better mother for them) and I had tears the one day when I realized this difference and shared it with my accountability partner.

-Bursts have become 2nd nature; using them strategically at work & home to help with more challenging tasks & low energy.

Elizabeth D.

BEFORE: Before joining the Exercise Revolution, my exercise had been sporadic – lots of starts and stops, despite good intentions.

I was at a healthy weight 11 years ago. This was when I was a young mother, and fairly active with my young kids. I felt healthy, my clothes fit well, and just felt better about my body.

After my third pregnancy I gained about 10 pounds. Then after returning to full-time work (after being a SAHM) 5 years ago, I slowly gained another 15 pounds with an increased sedentary lifestyle. Thanks to Covid, I’ve gained an additional 10 pounds. Ack!

My exercise/walks have decreased over the past 11 years, and I have struggled with managing my blood pressure due to my anxiety and stress (work and teens). Periomenopause is not helping – and neither is more work stress. I have a sweet tooth and I like to eat the same meals as my family. But my extra weight just feels uncomfortable everywhere, especially under my chin, my chest, my belly and my butt/thighs. I just feel chunky and clumsy and stressed about the extra weight.


DURING: During the Exercise Revolution this month, I have done at least one Burst at least once/day for almost every day. I often do 2-4 Bursts, increasing momentum toward the end of this month. I am still working on stacking more regular exercise and better eating.

Doing the Burst at least once/day has been a comfort to me. I always feel like I’m failing and give up on myself but doing at least one Burst each day gives me hope and connects me from a not great day to a better day. And for some reason, doing at least one Burst each day lowers my anxiety and fills me with hope and increased determination to not give up and keep going, even if I’m slow.


FUTURE: I want to build on my momentum. I plan on stacking more exercise (for relieving stress/anxiety) and continuing to make better eating choices. I’m on the path to feeling good in my skin again, improving my health and decreasing my anxiety/stress. 

I’ve received more hope just from being part of this group. Thank you!

Dorothy H.

I spent the month of December eating whatever I wanted & I watched the scale slowly creep up. 

This program made the necessary possible by making exercising fun & manageable in 1-minute Bursts!  In addition to that, it motivated me to want to do more so that I’d see more progress.  

I jumped into the Smoothie Reset & when combining the Bursts, the smoothies, and daily check-ins with my amazing accountability group (Diana, Jill, & Nora), I am finally re-motivated to do the work & am seeing the rewards. In fact, I’m doing another 4 days of shakes this week…if it works, don’t change it!

Thank you, Wendy Hart & Ti Caudron, you are an amazing duo!

Caryn Q.

The 30 day journey was wonderful.  It has given me the ability to change my mindset on exercise and allowed me to give myself a break for not doing an hour of exercise everyday…which never, ever happens!  I’m a pro at self sabotaging myself but this month I’ve experienced less negative thinking and more positive kudos…and truly believe it had to do with this wonderful group of humans.  Thank you for all your and honesty uplifting words.

Elizabeth M.

Before: We visited our son and family to see their new baby and their two year old, Tobin, showed us how he can run in circles in the middle of the living room. I, Grandma-on-the-couch, delighted in his performance – clapping and singing along with the action.

After: On my Grandma visit after Exercise Revolution ended, when Tobin decided to show me how he can run in circles I suddenly saw a Burst opportunity and joined him kicking up my heels, skipping, and galloping until I was out of breath!

I can now have more fun with my grandson and get a Burst in at the same time! Maybe it will help me be a more “fun Grandma” in the long run!

So many people have been saying wonderful things about this project that have also been true for me. I’m so grateful for all of it! Thanks Wendy and Ti!

Ruth S.

Before I began the challenge my exercise was pretty dismal. In Spring and Fall I managed to get outside for a walk 2-4 times a week but in the winter due to weather this dropped down to 0-2. What I appreciated about the challenge was that Bursts take so little time and don’t need any equipment or even a change of clothes!

The biggest benefit that I have had from the challenge so far has been mental. Normally I would judge myself and conclude that it wasn’t even worth doing at all because I was doing “so little”. However, receiving such encouraging messages every day has helped me to celebrate everything I did, and to keep at it. Thanks to Wendy I had already learned about celebrating small steps, but somehow this had not made its way into the exercise realm. The concept of Bursting and the support of the challenge helped me to begin to include that as well. 🙂 What is now possible that was not possible before is seeing exercise in a new, more approachable way.

Diane M.

I joined the 30-Day Exercise Revolution challenge because I haven’t moved much since COVID.  It’s getting easier and easier to do my Bursts.  In the beginning I could only go about 12 seconds.  Now I’m up to a full minute! I feel very encouraged that my exercising is going to keep getting easier and easier. 

Kim N.

I’ll be 67 this July and I decided to go on a healing journey in Sedona, Arizona with a couple other ladies that are all 5-17 years younger than me. We were going on long hikes and I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to keep up because I had just started Bursting, but guess what? I did two and a half miles, then five miles, and I just treated them like Bursts; catching my breath and then on to the next section.

It’s been amazing. All I can say is you brought my body back. Now when I face a challenge, I know I can do it, and my recovery is so much faster.


I found that the Bursting has really helped me feel more confident. To know that I can win in the first five minutes of getting up really shifts my perspective on the day. Normally to exercise I’d have to get changed, do a 40 minute workout, shower, etc. and it was like, “Oh, I can’t do that. I don’t have time.” So just feeling like I can do Bursts whenever has helped to manage stress levels.

I know that I’m doing something good for myself when I’m Bursting, even if it’s only a couple of times a day.


The Burst challenge kick started my re-dedication to exercise again. I knew my gym intimately, before they closed for Covid, but I had become increasingly disinterested in exercising alone.

However, the Bursting process got my interest and I asked my friend to be my buddy and she has been a faithful one ( both friend and exercise buddy ). It’s wonderful to stay connected this way as we are both at home alone with all the restrictions in CA. It’s been great and I am excited to continue in our commitment to healthier bodies!

Dianne B.

Just wanted to say thank you to ALL of you for the support and encouragement! I’m going to keep Bursting as part of my normal routine. All of you are AMAZING!!

Nana D.

Before I thought that I had to exercise for 30 minutes to get any benefit which really just resulted in me giving up (or rebelling) and not doing anything. Learning the concept of “Bursting” was very freeing.

What I see as possible that I did not see before is that Bursts are easy, and I feel much better when I do them.  I also learned that this is all a process and everyone is at their own pace and that is okay!

Thanks to both of you for doing this program.

Jane M.